September 11, 2022 - Midwest Sprummer Championship

Entry Fee
Oil Pattern



You simply need to pay the $10 annual membership plus bowl in any MSBS event ever in order to quailfy to bowl in this event.  You can pay the membership at the event if you haven't paid it in 2022 yet.  Added money comes directly from memberships.

Squad A (limited to 160 entries) -- Sunday 10:00am.  Check-in 9:00am - 9:50am

FORMAT (based on 160 entries)
Qualifying: 4-games across 4 pairs of lanes.
Eliminator Rounds:  The top 1/4 of of the field will bowl a 2-game eliminator round, cutting the field in half.  Then 1-game eliminator rounds will continue and cutting the field in half after each round until we get to the top 4.  Pins carry over until the top 4, and then they start fresh.  Top 4 will bowl a 3-game round robin with bonus pins to determine the champion.  There will be a wild card advancing in the first two rounds of eliminator.  Wild card is the highest score of that round who did not advance.  

With 3 or more seniors, the highest non-cashing senior will  cash in this event.
With 3 or more ladies, the highest non-cashing lady will cash in this event.

Prize Ratio:  A minimum of 1 in 3 entries will cash in this event.  A minimum of 1 in 4 entries will qualify into Eliminator rounds.

For an additional $40, ladies can enter into the Ladies Midwest Qualifying Tournament.  1 in 10 ladies qualify and 1 in 5 cash in this division.  We will determine the location and date of the finals once we have the field set, and we will find a date that works for all qualifying ladies.  Ladies can also ONLY enter this ladies division and not the Akron Open.  $40 prize fund fee plus $20 toward lineage/expenses for a total of $60 entry will be the cost for those only entering the ladies division.  5-game total pinfall will determine the the standings of this qualifying event.

Brian Regan
cell (810) 240-6175

Bowler Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6 Game 7 Game 8 Total
1 Alex Ouellette 213 144 198 225 200 244 153 229 1606
2 Zach Brandt (GR) 230 211 184 176 187 177 180 220 1565
3 Frank Snodgrass 238 171 146 208 218 201 177 202 1561
4 Denisyha Waller 204 153 221 203 245 180 189 151 1546
5 Cori Roelofs 155 248 213 197 175 154 209 154 1505
6 Ryan Kendall 155 160 224 220 223 158 212 150 1502
7 Jason McKelvey 187 184 212 179 159 233 180 143 1477
8 Samantha Knight 175 167 209 197 190 205 178 1321
9 Matt Roberts 194 185 210 195 177 179 165 1305
10 Nick Luther 156 205 194 223 202 170 140 1290
11 Trever Mills 197 154 157 235 195 203 125 1266
12 Bill Kazmierski 207 194 158 206 180 180 1125
13 Joe Hutchings 164 202 215 170 177 192 1120
14 Will Kelley 198 199 170 203 178 160 1108
15 Justin Knowles 134 216 222 178 196 158 1104
16 Marcus McClain 165 245 147 226 161 148 1092
16 Ryan Janes 192 230 167 182 167 154 1092
18 Bryan Eaton 181 173 162 224 175 152 1067
19 Gordon Kaufman 196 181 194 184 143 157 1055
20 Brandon Kozitzki 154 211 200 170 136 121 992
21 Brandon Kreiner 171 178 170 207 726
21 Eric Scott 169 223 176 158 726
21 Tyler Kelly 152 230 192 152 726
24 Roger Ledford, Jr. 188 194 172 169 723
25 Richie Benninghoff 175 137 214 195 721
26 Todd Nottage 151 205 197 165 718
27 Jalen Taylor 179 211 155 170 715
28 Charles Easton 181 205 191 134 711
29 David Owens 170 191 185 164 710
29 Jeffrey Griffith 169 191 143 207 710
31 Cameron Gove 187 176 185 160 708
32 Ben Hill 164 168 156 219 707
33 Jeremy Bartz 135 192 198 181 706
34 Matt Thrun 178 184 166 173 701
35 David Northouse 171 155 174 199 699
36 Dale Hofmeister 164 160 179 195 698
36 Jonathon Dean 164 222 143 169 698
38 Chad Reiffer 155 188 179 171 693
39 Nathan Rickey 184 155 145 203 687
40 Darin Craine 143 158 178 206 685
41 Josh Kohlbeck 124 147 169 243 683
42 Will Shaffran 173 198 173 137 681
43 Steve Burton 160 182 165 172 679
44 Tony Long 164 173 155 186 678
45 Andre Gonzales 187 166 157 166 676
46 Brianna Andrew 198 149 177 149 673
47 Derek Austin 168 186 158 159 671
48 Charlie Brown II 167 167 174 156 664
48 Damon Bursley 183 146 173 162 664
50 Jefferey Brennan 197 171 173 113 654
51 Chuck Portman 156 165 185 145 651
51 Eric Schmidt 175 113 173 190 651
53 Braedyn Hofmeister 161 182 149 157 649
54 Jason Cook 134 155 158 198 645
55 Mackenzie Boat 172 134 179 159 644
56 Scott Matthies 138 173 184 148 643
57 Eric Harmsen 111 213 149 169 642
57 Josh Brown 159 194 158 131 642
59 Jesse Koch 143 128 155 213 639
60 Adam Johnson (Flint) 187 121 173 155 636
61 David Latter 141 180 132 174 627
62 Britney Brandt 126 194 147 158 625
62 Terrance Walton 126 192 145 162 625
64 Dennis Smith 149 121 175 174 619
65 Collin Rickey 147 162 154 150 613
65 Derrick Norman, Jr. 198 144 150 121 613
67 Steve Boos 140 163 147 162 612
68 Caleb Salyer 183 228 109 90 610
69 Payton Korhumel 167 121 152 169 609
70 Chris Clark 137 176 148 147 608
71 Gary Quillico 160 159 107 160 586
72 Cindy Wells 150 161 122 142 575
72 Connor Cameron 165 150 143 117 575
72 Connor Thomas 113 137 153 172 575
75 Nick Ferguson 102 170 131 169 572
76 Matt Crawford 147 134 136 152 569
77 Mac Pender 124 148 159 137 568
78 James Hutchens 118 105 131 144 498
79 Matt Ferguson 119 166 115 400
Bowler Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Total
1 Denisyha Waller 204 153 221 203 781
2 Samantha Knight 175 167 209 197 748
3 Brianna Andrew 198 149 177 149 673
4 Destiny Kennedy 168 183 169 133 653
5 Bekki Myers 165 139 167 177 648
6 Britney Brandt 126 194 147 158 625
7 Cindy Wells 150 161 122 142 575
8 Nicole Brown 141 141 122 144 548

Match 1

Bowler Carryover Game 1 Bonus 1 Game 2 Bonus 2 Game 3 Bonus 3 Total
1 Alex Ouellette 0 155 237 30 201 30 653
2 Denisyha Waller 0 165 30 203 30 160 30 618
3 Frank Snodgrass 0 210 30 206 138 584
4 Zach Brandt (GR) 0 177 179 165 521

The actual payout of this event will be posted here once the event has begun, and we know the number of entries.

Payout Scenario #1
120 entries
1st --   $3000
2nd --  $1500
3rd -- $1000
4th -- $800
5th to 8th -- $480
9th to 15th -- $240
16th to 30th -- $120
31st to 40th -- $60
Lady -- $60
Senior -- $60

Entry Breakdown $40 prizes, $8 expenses, $12 lineage
$40 x 120 entries = $4800
Total Payout = $12,440

The optional side action results will be posted here at the conclusion of the tournament

Regular Jackpot--$20 entry
This jackpot pays out high game for each game and highest series.  With high participation, 2 spots will be paid per game and 2 spots for totals.
Extra Totals Jackpots--$60 entry
An additional Totals Jackpot will be available at $60 and will work as follows:
  • At least 1 in 4 will cash
  • Payout is based on qualifying totals only
  • $55 per entry goes to prize fund, $5 to expenses


Set 1 will run for games 1-2-3
Set 2 will run for games 4-3-2
1st is $10 in each bracket
2nd is $4 in each bracket
*Limit of 50 brackets per set per person


Set 1 will run for games 1-2-3
Set 2 will run for games 4-3-2
1st is $25 in each bracket
2nd is $10 in each bracket
*Limit of 200 brackets per set per person